Truly qualified swimming pool inspectors are in great demand for residential pool inspections. In particular, prospective home buyers must have a pool inspected as part of the customary pre-purchase home inspection. This course equips individuals with necessary information and skills to conduct competent and cost-effective residential pool inspections through a review of national swimming pool codes and standards, instruction on how to perform pool inspections that adhere to codes and standards, and training on Pro Pool Inspectors’ proprietary smart app that steps inspectors through a thorough pool inspection and generates a complete inspection report.
A trial version of the app is included in the course fee. While day one is devoted to covering the codes, standards, and inspection procedures via classroom instruction, day two involves using the pool inspection app to practice conducting inspections followed by visiting an actual pool site to engage in a mock pool inspection (in cases of inclement weather, the mock pool inspection is conducted in the classroom using photographs of real-life pool issues).
Intended Audience and Prerequisites:This course is for any individual who desires to become a certified residential pool inspector. Participants should have two years’ experience working as a pool operator, pool service technician, or pool builder OR successful completion of the PHTA course Certified Service Technician® (CST®) ( ).
Knowing how to conduct leak detection is a plus.
By successfully completing this course, you will be able to: