NEW TRAINING DATES FOR 2025: Certified Residential Pool Inspection Training, Marketing, & More!

Certified Residential
Pool Inspector Training
Course Description

MARCH 20-21 MARCH 27-28
APRIL 10-11 APRIL 24-25

FEBRUARY 27-28: Nashville, TN
Marketing Class
"Pro Pool Inspectors is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard.  IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training."

2-day classroom and field practical experience or 2-day
online remote with simulated practical experience:

Truly qualified swimming pool inspectors are in great demand for residential pool inspections. In particular, prospective home buyers must have a pool inspected as part of the customary pre-purchase home inspection. This course equips individuals with necessary information and skills to conduct competent and cost-effective residential pool inspections through a review of national swimming pool codes and standards, instruction on how to perform pool inspections that adhere to codes and standards, and training on Pro Pool Inspectors’ proprietary smart app that steps inspectors through a thorough pool inspection and generates a complete inspection report.

A trial version of the app is included in the course fee. While day one is devoted to covering the codes, standards, and inspection procedures via classroom instruction, day two involves using the pool inspection app to practice conducting inspections followed by visiting an actual pool site to engage in a mock pool inspection (in cases of inclement weather, the mock pool inspection is conducted in the classroom using photographs of real-life pool issues).

Intended Audience and Prerequisites:
This course is for any individual who desires to become a certified residential pool inspector. Participants should have two years’ experience working as a pool operator, pool service technician, or pool builder OR successful completion of the PHTA course Certified Service Technician® (CST®) ( ).
Knowing how to conduct leak detection is a plus.

By successfully completing this course, you will be able to:

Learning Outcome 1

Perform a complete step by step residential pool inspection.

Learning Outcome 2

Identify and diagnose pool issues that are in violation of national pool codes and standards.

Learning Outcome 3

Accurately record all pool issue findings.

Learning Outcome 4

Generate a complete and informative pool inspection report.

Learning Outcome 5

Apply the Pro Pool Inspector proprietary app to conduct the inspection, record findings, and generate final report.

Learning Outcome 6

Customize the app for your specific business.
Topics Covered (utilizing the app):
  • Perimeter fencing
  • Pool cover
  • Pool decking area
  • Pool auto-fill area
  • Pool surface area
  • In-floor cleaning system
  • Alarms/safety rope
  • Skimmer(s)/floor drain cover(s)
  • Pool lighting
  • Ladders and handrails
  • Diving board/slide
  • Pool cleaner
  • Remote controls
  • Spa
  • Hot tub
  • Infinity catch basin area
  • Mechanical pump systems
  • Filtration equipment
  • Sanitizer systems
  • Electrical panel/components
  • PVC plumbing lines/valves
  • Manual cleaning equipment
  • Miscellaneous equipment
  • Computer leak test
  • Disclaimer
  • Generating pool inspection report
  • National swimming pool codes and standards pertaining to relevant pool components

The Instructor: Dennis Boyd

Owner of Pro Pool Inspectors, Dennis Boyd has been inspecting residential pools since 2021. He officially separated his pool inspection company from his pool service company in 2015. His background as a licensed medical professional helped him learn the importance of water chemistry due to his training in blood chemistry. At the same time, he also started a thriving swimming pool maintenance company which now has a 25 year history in the heart of Nashville, TN. He began offering pool inspections as a way to grow his pool service company and had no idea pool inspections would grow so rapidly, exceeding his pool service business. Dennis is a firm believer, mostly because of hands-on experience, that training to address an obvious need for more qualified pool inspectors is a proven way to grow one’s pool service company by being first-in-line to those who are buying the house with the pool.
CEUs and Requirements
Participants earn 1.3 CEUs at the conclusion of the course. Requirements to earn CEUs include attending the complete course along with submitting a pool inspection report from the mock pool inspection that accurately identifies at least 80 percent of the problems or issues that exist with that particular pool.

Participants must have a smartphone or tablet in order to download and use the Pro Pool Inspectors proprietary pool inspection app. For remote classes, participants must be equipped with a PC/laptop or tablet with camera and microphone with internet connectivity.

Proprietary Interests
It is the policy of PPI that in cases where a PPI instructor receives any share of royalties or profits from any product, instrument, device, or materials used in PPI learning events, this interest shall be disclosed. The only instructor with a proprietary interest is Dennis Boyd, PPI Owner and Principal Instructor, who owns the Pro Pool Inspectors pool inspection app and receives royalties from all app subscriptions.

Contact Us For More Information
Have questions? Call us at 615-838-0769 or email

Certified Residential
Pool Inspector Training Course

MARCH 20-21 MARCH 27-28
APRIL 10-11 APRIL 24-25

FEBRUARY 27-28: Nashville, TN
Marketing Class